DAY 10: New Schedule?

Workout: MMX

  • Duration: 25min
  • Condition: 1 Sprawl (Set 2, Mountain Climber)
  • Body Feels Like: 5/10 OK
  • Mind Feels Like: 5/10 OK 
I resumed snacking a few days ago. I was starting to get irritated by the constant lull of fatigue, hunger and soreness and had to satiate myself with something naughty. I try to limit my snacks but fuck it I will munch when I must. I had a hot dog yesterday at 3pm for example and it was glorious. As long as I am not grazing (constant hand-to-mouth), I should be OK.

MMX Breakdown
  • Warm Up: Done
  • Set 1: Done
  • Set 2: Routine 2 - replace sprawls with high knees, Routine 4 - Sprawl
  • Set 3: Replace sprawls with high knees, kicks (routine 2) and kicks (routine 4) STOP
  • Set 4: Replace sprawls 4 knees per leg (routine 2) STOP (I derped)
  • Cool Down: Done
Today's mood is meh but the body is starting to adjust/plateau so it's time to up the ante and bust out the sprawl (burpees) in my MMX. Also I forgot to continue Set 4 so I should make a note to collect that debt at my next MMX workout.

I have my schedule set for the next 2-3 months. Target goal is to be able to complete all the routines properly without (much) struggle with weights:

MMX (Target = Complete workout w/ all sprawls, stretch goal 1lb arm & ankle weights)
CVX (Target = Complete workout w/ 8lbs)
Accelerator (Target  = Complete workout)
Physical Activity (Not P90X)

I try not to box workouts into a week as it can get complicated and prescriptive. Generally I run through the list of workouts doing one each day until I hit the target goals within the given timeframe, 3 months (max) in this case. 

Here's a mock up:

Day 1: MMX
Day 2: CVX
Day 3: Accelerator
Day 4: Anything physical (walk, hike, basketball, bicycle, badminton, etc.)
Day 5: MMX


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