DAY 12: It's Been a Minute

Workout: N/A

I went camping over the weekend and caught the flu so I don't have any major updates other than that I took the entire week off (3 days camping, 4 days being sick). I think I mentioned somewhere in my prior posts that sticking to a tight workout schedule can be extremely stressful and you shouldn't beat yourself over breaking it. Life happens. Good shit happens, bad shit happens even more. 

I am not sure if it was from the semi-raw eggs that a 5 year old coughed on, 30-degree nights and 80-degree days, falling into the swampy muck in the lake while learning to fish (amazing), or just plain shit luck. But I had 2.5 amazing days camping with friends and 4.5 crummy days ailing and recovering from a flu thereafter. 

I am hopeful that I can get back on track this weekend as the lingering guilt of missing out is pissing me off and my body is getting sluggish again. It is really hard to not feel guilty even though a flu is as good of a hallpass as any. It kinda feels like skipping my cholesterol meds for an entire week and worring over something bad that is about to happen. 

Getting sick because of not working out sucks. Getting sick because you're sick sucks doubly. 


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