DAY 8: Embrace My Frenemy


  • Duration: ~21min Completed Double Trouble Climbers 
  • Condition: Breathing
  • Body Feels Like: 5/10 What a difference a day's rest makes
  • Mind Feels Like: 3/10 My to-do list is crowding my mind
I realized just how quickly I can relapse into rest-mode after taking a day off. My body was less sore but I felt lazy and tired after work and almost skipped today's workout. I dragged my limp body over to the gym mat and turned on P90X3 Accelerator hoping for a quick cardio only to have it royally kicking my ass. 

Accelerator Customized Sets and Routines: 
For those of you that are unfamiliar with P90X3 Accelerator, it is a 30min cardio-core training workout that blah blah blah pain. It is an amalgamation of plyo (jump) movements, plank variations and crunches without situps. You can find some great torture videos of this on YouTube should you care to vicariously feel the burn. 

I loathe core workouts
If you haven't noticed, my Achilles' heel is any movement that requires standing up and going down on all four. Meaning, I really, really dislike core workouts. I am physically inclined to dislike it too (short legs, long torso). I hate getting on the ground as maintaining form is difficult and uncomfortable and most of all my brain likes to derp and I forget to breathe.

Accelerator Breakdown
  • Warm Up: None
  • First Half: 10/10 routines - super snail mode (pauses, 1/2 reps, steps instead of hops)
  • Second Half: 4/10 routines - upto Double Trouble Climbers STOP
  • Cool Down: Done

Suffice to say, I seldom did Accelerator over the years and had to look up often on the monitor to relearn the routine. My reps were lower, slower and I took many breaks in between by pausing and remaining in plank or child's pose until I caught my breath. 

Why do it? 
Accelerator is that friend you kinda dislike but hang out with because you are oddly attracted to their idiosyncracies and believe that they're good for your deep down. It's the durian of workouts, the mackerel sushi in my set, the stinky tofu of my butt. I decided to make closer friends with Accelerator and to visit it twice weekly. Thank you for the humble pie my friend. 

I will keep you posted. 


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