DAY 9: KISS! (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Workout: 3-Hour Hike Walk

  • Duration: 3-hour walk 
  • Condition: Sunscreen
  • Body Feels Like: 6/10 Starting to feel the plateau
  • Mind Feels Like: 8/10 Meeting up with a bunch of friends 
Blogging is becoming another 'thing to-do' and I loathe to feel that way tracking my workouts as I might quit as with max-out workouts in the past. I will try to keep dailies to a minimum and edit/insert additional tidbits of thought when I can. 

I skipped today's workout as I went on a 3 hour birthday walk around the Pacific coastline. This was a great replacement of my usual 25-min workout as I caught up with friends and enjoyed a leisurely walk along the coastline. I was also delighted knowing that I did not have to P90. 

I think I will replace Day 7 with any physical activity. I was starting to feel confined to the P90X-only trap and the beach walk was a much needed reprieve. 


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